2013年12月21日 星期六

80s Japan Toys Gakken Toy Walkie Talkies 玩具對講機 (對談機) ,Pellet Gun 豆槍 70s

GAKKEN is famous company in 60s so many tin toy export to worldwide .

I'm first touch in 80s early GAKKEN WALKIE TALKIES in 大丸 ,松板屋

 this is high tech toys . Now you maybe say this is not value toy why you put in blog ?

 Do you know in 80s early Hong Kong economy is going up but not every family

can afford, purchase toy must all children can play.

WALKIE TALKIES is rich toy, you can look other children play but you

never touch.

The original box toy still working!  

Open the box inside is very good !
That time made in Japan high price toy mostly include battery . 

Japan Pellet Gun 豆槍 70s

I bought the Pellet Gun Set (007 Gun Set ) is last year from Japan the Box Set look like new

this is 1978-80 original period item , I own this set on my child time,

 I love this set so much (Now own again )
小時候在北角皇冠大廈商場內買到約HK$13.00左右 ,當年平價頭槍 HK$2.00支,
子彈HK$0.50, 黄豆HK$1.00 一大包但可能會卡槍.

