2013年12月21日 星期六

Germany WWII daggers 二戰德軍匕首

This is WWII German SS dagger the model M1933 and maker RZM 1053/38 SS , on the blade 
read"MEINE EHRE HEISST TREUE" the dagger is very good condition also is value history item.
1933型黨衛軍標準匕首,匕首套是黑色皮革,劍身刻有"MEINE EHRE HEISST TREUE" (我的榮譽就是忠誠 ) .現在市價很貴 .
Item 1

This is WWII German SA dagger the model M1933 and maker RZM 7/14 on blade read "ALLES FUR DEUTSCHLAND" , the dagger is good condition is best history item.  
1933型冲鋒隊匕首,匕首套是棕色的皮革和腰帶扣,劍身刻上"ALLES FUR  DEUTSCHLAND" (一切為了德國). 現在市價一般.
Item 2

This is WW2 German 2nd model LUFTWAFFE OFFICERS DAGGER with tight wire wrap intact and the hanger marked U.E.10 D.R.G.M. , also is very good condition and excellent working is best history item.
Item 3
This is my very love original 1936 Olympoc Youth Knife (special Issue) is for N.S.Youth Organization on the blade reade "ZUM RUHME DES SPORTS ZUR EHRE DES VATERLANDES" the means is "The Glory of Sports is the Honor of the Fatherland" the knife is very very good value history item is not so easy find it now!! 
它是一把我本人十分喜愛的小刀 ,希特勒青年團小刀就像童子軍一樣但他們授權可佩帶小刀,香港童子軍就不可能!這是一把紀念1936奧林匹克的小刀,可說是特別版刀身上有"光榮的運動帶給國家的榮譽",刀柄是合金造帶木把手有希特勒青年團標志,刀套全黑色,它是一把很好的上等貨 . 
Item 4

This is WWII German Navy officer's dirk by Paul Weyersberg & Co also with original wrapper is very good condition & excellent working is value history item.
Item 5

This is Polish Navy Dagger

This is Polish Navy Dagger but I don't this dagger history I bought is not much money so I collect it .(If you know the dagger background please let me know !) Thanks

