2013年12月21日 星期六

Old Pockst Watch Germany 3rd SS Panzer Division

Old Pockst Watch Germany 3rd SS Panzer Division

I'm first collect watch in Dec 2008 ,
I think watches will going up assets market 
you know 2008 is financial tsunami I collect them is best time,
 I hope find some items collect, this pocket watch I think is limited 
"3rd SS Panzer div. Totenkopf" (黨衛軍骷髏師) in the history about them history ...Tiger Tank 、Battle of Kharkov、War of Budapest Hungary .... watch you maybe never touch !! Please look !

  ニ戰後,英美蘇各國全力消滅NAZI主義物件殘留下來的我們要好好保存 ! 

